Monday, June 27, 2005

Too Much Sound in Silence

I have been working on a stand up comedy routine for a while now. The basic premise is that silence is impossible in today's world. For instance, in the Church of Christ (the denomination, not the overall body) we take pride in our lack of musical instruments. However, when a worship leader asks for a moment of silence, we have one for about 0.6 seconds before people start coughing or shooshing. At about 2.2 seconds in, the worship leader will then break the moment of silence and commence with the prayer or song he has.

Having been to a few more progressive baptist churches and the non-denominational denomination churches, silence there is no silence at all...not even for 2.2 seconds. "Brothers and sisters, let's have a moment of silence while music director, Ethan plays random notes on his electric keyboard."

It's funny, but it's also rather serious. This world clutters our minds with noise all day long. Even right now, I'm in the office typing this post and in the other room, I hear the tele going on and on about some highschoolers who want to go to college. Driving along in the car, it is almost maddening to drive five miles without something on the radio, loud enough to be heard over the "roar of the road." Until my parents threatened to kill me, I had to have some music on to go to sleep.

Silence can be such a beautiful thing. With all the noise we have around us, we can scarcely hear our God speaking. If we want to fill our minds with a noise, what better sound to have upon the auditory nerve than the voice of God. He's speaking to us each day, but we have largely tuned him out in favor of the world's messages.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him." I agree with you whole heartedly, we need more silence before Him!

4:56 PM  
Blogger Matthew Simcox said...

Thanks for the comment. If you are who I think you are, you might talk to your worship leader about this notion. If you aren't, then you might still want to talk to your worship leader/committee about this. We need to get to the point where silence doesn't bother us. Peace out.

11:24 AM  

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