Monday, June 27, 2005

Supreme Court Again Perverts Religion and Law

The USSC never ceases to ashame me. As a lawyer and a Christian, I cannot understand what this court is doing. The long-held Lemon Test to ferret out violations of the establishment clause has once again brought to us confusion and perversion. As a lawyer, I would much like the court to reconsider their decisions today (upholding one display of the 10 commandments and striking down another). For the sake of those of us taking the bar in July, it would be nice to know how to apply the Lemon test with some sort of consistency and know that we would get the answer right. As a lawyer, I wouldn't care if the court ruled that all displays were unconstitutional, just so long as we were consistent - don't allow minorahs or stars of David in the courthouses either.

As a Christian however, I think that this court has overlooked something very important. And that is that this nation was founded on the principles of the ten commandments. Our forefathers regarded them in high esteem.

But where I have my biggest problem is that the court conveniently overlooks the fact that over 70% of the public approve of such displays, compared to 23% that disapprove. The Men in Black who sit over our justice system have instituted their will upon the rest of us. Five liberals now run this country. I fully understand the need for protecting the rights of those in the minority, but at some point there has to be a line drawn. Give the minority the right to life, liberty, property, and the right to vote to change things for their cause. Let them persuade me to change my vote if they have a worthy position. There is a huge difference between having rights, and having your way at the expense of the majority's.

Persecution against Christians is real, and this is one example. But, as long as we sit here and take it, that is what we shall be forced to live with. Have no fear, though. It won't hurt, because by that point we will be numb to it. I think we may be already.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right the persecution of Christians is real. I agree that if we don't start taking a stronger stand in the future for our rights, the men in black as you so aptly named them and various other federal judges (I guess that they are all men and women in black, huh?), will continue to erode them and our faith until we are facing a new era of "Hitlerism". I use this term because those who are well acquainted with history know that Hitler first came to power by gathering the support of the Jewish community of Germany and with their help he was legally elected chancellor of Germany. It was only after he had usurped the power of the Reichstag that he began implementing his "Final Solution" which we are all familiar with because in that 6 million Jewish men, women, and children died, but God still worked a miracle as a result of this in order to fulfill biblical prophecy as state in Ezekiel Ch's 36-38, where God states for the first time that he will bring his people back into the land of Israel (versus "the promised land, the land of Canaan" etc...). Due to the overwhelming "guilt" of the rest of the world, on May 15th in a single day in 1948 the Nation of Israel was resurrected from the crematoriums of Nazi Europe. I know that is a long explanation for what it is that I am really trying to say is that Satan using the left as a weapon will not stop these attacks until Christians in the United States and the rest of the world have all but been exterminated but we know that God is ultimately in control and that Like Israel and the Jewish People He will cause something good to come of it. Make no mistake we are in a war and we cannot rest we must continue to fight. Christ said in John, "...upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Christians everywhere make no mistake, that was Christ calling for war, an offensive. We often take that verse to mean that Lucifer's forces will not be able to destroy it but in the ancient world gates were built for defense against an attacker. Christ was saying that they cannot defend against the church and we must take the battle to them instead of sitting and waiting hoping to just survive.

God bless America and may she always stand with Israel. Pray for our Jewish brethren and Jerusalem, and pray that their eyes will be opened soon for he is coming soon and will enter the Temple Mount from the East Gate and stand on the Mount of Olives and there he will judge the world.

7:38 PM  

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